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MEGABYTES - com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos.AllocationUnit
Allocation unit of "megabytes".
MemberAlreadyExistsException - Exception in com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos
MemberAlreadyExistsException is a checked exception thrown when attempting to create a PDS member that already exists.
MemberAlreadyExistsException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos.MemberAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a member already exists exception with the specified detail messages and resource name.
MemberAlreadyExistsException(String, String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos.MemberAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a member already exists exception with the specified detail messages, cause and resource name.
MemberInUseException - Exception in com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos
MemberInUseException is a checked exception thrown when an attempt to perform an action on a partitioned dataset member fails because it is in use.
MemberInUseException(String, String, String, String, List<IEnqueueOwner>) - Constructor for exception com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos.MemberInUseException
Constructs a new member in use exception with the specified detail messages, partitioned dataset name, member name, and enqueue owners.
MemberInUseException(String, String, Throwable, String, String, List<IEnqueueOwner>) - Constructor for exception com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos.MemberInUseException
Constructs a new member in use exception with the specified detail messages, cause, partitioned dataset name, member name, and enqueue owners.
MemberNotFoundException - Exception in com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos
MemberNotFoundException is a checked exception thrown when an an attempt to perform an action on a member fails because the member does not exist.
MemberNotFoundException(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos.MemberNotFoundException
Constructs a new member not found exception with the specified detail messages, dataset name, and member name.
MemberNotFoundException(String, String, Throwable, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos.MemberNotFoundException
Constructs a new member not found exception with the specified detail messages, cause, dataset name, and member name.
MemberReader - Class in com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos
Reads text from a z/OS member, providing for the efficient reading of characters.
MemberReader(IZOSHostConnection, String, String) - Constructor for class com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos.MemberReader
Constructs a MemberReader using the specified z/OS host connection, partitioned dataset name, and member name.
MemberReader(IPartitionedDataSetMember) - Constructor for class com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos.MemberReader
Constructs a MemberReader using the specified partitioned dataset member.
MemberType - Enum in com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos
Enumeration of z/OS member types.
MemberWriter - Class in com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos
Writes text to a z/OS member, providing for the efficient writing of characters.
MemberWriter(IZOSHostConnection, String, String) - Constructor for class com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos.MemberWriter
Constructs a MemberWriter using the specified z/OS host connection, partitioned dataset name, and member name.
MemberWriter(IPartitionedDataSetMember) - Constructor for class com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos.MemberWriter
Constructs a MemberWriter using the specified partitioned dataset member.
MethodNotSupportedException - Exception in com.compuware.api.topaz
MethodNotSupportedException is an unchecked exception thrown when a method called from the Topaz API is not supported on the used host.
MethodNotSupportedException(String, String, IHost) - Constructor for exception com.compuware.api.topaz.MethodNotSupportedException
Constructs a new method not supported exception with the specified detail messages and host.
MethodNotSupportedException(String, String, Throwable, IHost) - Constructor for exception com.compuware.api.topaz.MethodNotSupportedException
Constructs a new method not supported exception with the specified detail messages, cause, and host.
MIGRATED - com.compuware.api.topaz.hostresources.zos.DataSetType
A migrated dataset.
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