Powershell scripts

Azure DevOps pipelines use yaml as language to describe pipeline steps. Therefore, Powershell scripts (opens new window) will be used to code some of the logic required to implement the process. These scripts may also be used as bases to transfer the example to a different CI tool than Azure DevOps or Jenkins.


Most of the Powershell scripts have just been written to proof the concept and would require expanding the logic for plausibility checking and error handling.


This script uses the following parameters and will use the Azure DevOps REST API (opens new window) to trigger an Azure DevOps release pipeline.

Parameter Description
[string]$serverAddress Address of the Azure DevOps server storing the pipeline definition
[string]$serverOrganization Azure DevOps organization
[string]$serverProject Azure DevOps project
[string]$serverAuthorization authorization header for the http request - encrypting the personal access token
[string]$ispwApplication ISPW application (passed into the process by the ISPW webhook)
[string]$ispwContainerName ISPW Container (passed into the process by the ISPW webhook)
[string]$ispwContainerType ISPW Container Type (passed into the process by the ISPW webhook)
[string]$ispwLevel ISPW Level (passed into the process by the ISPW webhook)
[string]$releaseDefinitionId Id of the Azure DevOps release


This script will delete the content of the folder being passed as parameter. For the pipelines this will be the corresponding workspace.

Parameter Description
[string]$workspaceRoot Folder whose contents to delete


This script uses the following parameters and will use CodeCoverageCLI.bat to download Xpediter Code Coverage results from the mainframe to the workspace.

Parameter Description
[string]$workspaceRoot Folder to use as workspace for the AzureDevOps pipeline
[string]$hostUri Mainframe host name or IP address
[string]$hostPort HCI port
[string]$hostUser Mainframe (TSO) Userid
[string]$hostPassword Mainframe password
[string]$hostCodePage Mainframe code page
[string]$ispwApplication ISPW application (passed into the process by the ISPW webhook)
[string]$ccRepo Code Coverage repository to use
[string]$ccSystem Code Coverage system to get data for
[string]$ccTestid Code Coverage test id to get data for
[string]$ccDdio Optional override DDIO file
[string]$cliPath Location of the Topaz CLI on the machine the local agent executes on


This script uses the following parameters and will clone the Git repository to the tests subfolder of the workspace.

Parameter Description
[string]$workspaceRoot Folder to use as workspace for the AzureDevOps pipeline
[string]$gitRepo Git repository to clone


This script uses the following parameters and will use SCMDownloaderCLI.bat to download the tasks of an ISPW container to the workspace.

Parameter Description
[string]$workspaceRoot Folder to use as workspace for the AzureDevOps pipeline
[string]$hostUri Mainframe host name or IP address
[string]$hostPort HCI port
[string]$hostUser Mainframe (TSO) Userid
[string]$hostPassword Mainframe password
[string]$hostCodePage Mainframe code page
[string]$ispwApplication ISPW application (passed into the process by the ISPW webhook)
[string]$ispwConfig ISPW configuration to use
[string]$ispwContainerName ISPW container to download the tasks from
[string]$ispwContainerType ISPW container type
[string]$ispwDownloadLevel ISPW level to download the tasks from
[string]$cliPath Location of the Topaz CLI on the machine the local agent executes on


This is the most advanced of all scripts and has been available for a while now. It allows using a subset of functions provided by the ISPW REST API. It uses the following parameters and will execute the ISPWFunction.

Parameter Description
[string]$ISPWFunction Function to use (ContainerCreate, ContainerOperation, TaskLoad)
[string]$ces CES URL
[string]$runtimeconfig ISPW runtime config
[string]$containerType ISW container Type (assignments, releases)
[string]$operation ISPW operation (generate, promote, deploy, regress)
[string]$container ISPW container
[string]$level ISPW level
[string]$token CES Token
[string]$stream ISPW stream
[string]$application ISPW application
[string]$ISPWServer ISPW server (same as ISPW configuration)
[string]$description Description (for create container)
[string]$prefix Container name prefix (for create container)
[string]$refnumber Reference number (for create container)
[string]$usertag User tag (for create container)
[string]$owner Owner Id (for create container)
[string]$moduleName Module name (for task load)
[string]$moduleType Module type (for task load)
[string]$type Component type (for task load)
[string]$dpenvlst Lsit of deployment environments (for deploy)


This script uses the following parameters and will use the SonarQube REST API to query the status of a SonarQube quality gate for the project.

Parameter Description
[string]$sonarServer SonerQube URI
[string]$sonarProjectName SonarQube project to query
[string]$sonarAuthorization authorization header for the http request, i.e. SonarQube access token encrypted similarly to the Azure PAT


This script uses the following parameters and will use the Sonar Scanner to pass sources, test results and code coverage data to SonarQube.

Parameter Description
[string]$workspaceRoot Folder to use as workspace for the AzureDevOps pipeline
[string]$ispwApplication ISPW application (passed into the process by the ISPW webhook)
[string]$sonarProjectName SonarQube project to use
[string]$sonarSources Folder in the workspace containing the program sources


This script uses the following parameters and will use TotalTestCLIFT.bat determine the program sources that have been downloaded and execute all corresponding Topaz for Total Test scenarios.

Parameter Description
[string]$workspaceRoot Folder to use as workspace for the AzureDevOps pipeline
[string]$cesUri URI for the CES
[string]$hostUser Mainframe (TSO) Userid
[string]$hostPassword Mainframe password
[string]$ispwApplication ISPW application (passed into the process by the ISPW webhook)
[string]$tttEnvironment Topaz for Total Test environment ID within the repository server to use for test execution
[string]$cliPath Location of the Topaz CLI on the machine the local agent executes on


This script uses the following parameters and will use TotalTestCLI.bat determine the program sources that have been downloaded and execute all corresponding Topaz for Total Test scenarios.

[string]$workspaceRoot | Folder to use as workspace for the AzureDevOps pipeline [string]$hostUri | Mainframe host name or IP address [string]$hostPort | HCI port [string]$hostUser | Mainframe (TSO) Userid [string]$hostPassword | Mainframe password [string]$hostCodePage | Mainframe code page [string]$ispwApplication | ISPW application (passed into the process by the ISPW webhook) [string]$ispwLevel | ISPW Level (passed into the process by the ISPW webhook) [string]$ccRepo | Code Coverage repository to use [string]$ccSystem | Code Coverage system to use [string]$ccTestid | Code Coverage test id to use [string]$ccDdio | Optional override DDIO files [string]$cliPath | Location of the Topaz CLI on the machine the local agent executes on